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Human Development and Helwa Division

 Human Development and Helwa Division

  1. Collobaration program at MAHEIS level and government departments of Perlis
  2. Pre-Marital Courses
  3. Organize activity related to unit
  4. Cooperation with (JAKIM, PERKIM, YADIM, JHEAIPs, State Mufti Department, National Fatwa Council)
  5. Organize performance activity ( Courses, Seminar, Workshop, Convocation)  for student and staff such as:

              -     Funeral Management Course (Staff/Student)

              -     Slaughter Course

              -     Hajj and Pilgrim Course (Staff/Student)

              -     Pre-Marital Course (Staff/Student)

              -     After Marriage and Pleasant Family Course (Staff Only)

              -     Reflaction and Outstanding Performance (Staff Only)

              -     Prayer Camp (Staff/Student)

              -     Tajwid Camp (Staff Children)





Ketua Bahagian Pembangunan Insan dan Helwa

Ustaz Nasrul bin Che Ali

Pegawai Hal Ehwal Islam (S41)





Unit Helwa

Ustazah Nurhanisah Binti Shukeri

Penolong Pegawai hal Ehwal Islam (S29)